Belt stair climber CLIMBER 1 (production - Czech Republic)

Je určen pro klienty, převážně na invalidních vozících, kteří potřebují překonat jedno i víceramenná schodiště v objektu. Je speciálně navržen pro bezproblémový provoz i na úzkých schodištích s malou podestou a zároveň je zajištěna vysoká stabilita schodolezu při jízdě s klientem. Nabízíme pouze nové schodolezy přímo od výrobce, které nezávazně a bezplatně předvádíme zákazníkům přímo na místě našimi školenými pracovníky. Vždy doporučíme klientovi nejvhodnější model schodolezu, který bude optimální pro jeho konkrétní podmínky. V případě nestandardního modelu vozíku lze upravit uchycení na „pádlo“. Nabízíme verzi se zakrytými pásy.

CLIMBER 1 crawler stair climber (versions Mk1 and Mk3) (production - Czech Republic)

It is intended for clients, mainly in wheelchairs, who need to overcome single and multi-arm staircases in the building. It is specially designed for trouble-free operation even on narrow staircases with a small landing, and at the same time high stability of stair climbing is ensured when driving with a client. We only offer new stair climbers directly from the manufacturer, which we demonstrate to customers directly on the spot by our trained workers without obligation and free of charge. We will always recommend to the client the most suitable stair climbing model, which will be optimal for his specific conditions. In the case of a non-standard trolley model, the "paddle" attachment can be adjusted. The Mk1 version is equipped with a cover without covering the belts and the Mk3 has a cover that covers the belts.

Designed for use with a standard mechanical trolley, this model is the best-selling variant with a load capacity of 150 kg.

Designed for use with a standard mechanical trolley, this model is also equipped with a 150kg load capacity. Compared to the standard version, however, it has a built-in smooth start system, which is more suitable for clients with a more sensitive spine.

Navržen pro použití se standardním mechanickým vozíkem, tento model má podvozek prodloužený o 10 cm a je určen pro schodiště, kde by standardní verze byla málo stabilní.

Vozík je nahrazen připevněnou sedačkou. Tato varianta může zastoupit běžnou schodišťovou sedačku. Sedačku lze později dokoupit ke standardní verzi.

Navržen pro použití s kočárkem pro handicapovaného (speciální úchyt pro kočárky lze později dokoupit ke standardní verzi).

Thanks to the shape of the belts and the size of the teeth, the stair climber is very stable and usable even on worse stairs. However, it is recommended to have it tested by a technician on site.

Where an economically advantageous but at the same time powerful device for overcoming the stair barrier is required, where there is little space for a classic stair platform, and in places where there is little space for a classic access ramp.

Bezporuchovost, skladnost, lehké uvedení do provozu a nenáročnost - tyto vlastnosti jsou charakteristické pro schodolez. Toto zařízení je možné snadno převážet po složení automobilem a používat ho i na jiných místech. Schodolez je vyroben ze součástek českých a evropských renomovaných výrobců, kteří jsou synonymem pro kvalitu. Konstrukce schodolezu je robustní a spolehlivá a pracuje s bezpečným napětím 12 V.

A mechanical trolley with a client is attached to the unlocked and released "paddle" using handles. After the paddle is caught in the lock, it is necessary to secure the paddle with a safety latch to prevent accidental release of the paddle catch lock. It is possible to move on a flat surface by climbing stairs. After a slight incline, it is possible to move the stair climber with the help of wheels. After pushing the stair climber to the staircase, it is possible to drive the client to the upper landing by choosing to drive using the belts and then release it using the opposite procedure.

Safe working voltage 12 V.

Battery capacity from 26 to 30 Ah.

Charging with a controlled charger with a chargingcurrent 2 - 4 A/12 V.

Indication of battery status by LEDs.

• Maximální sklon schodiště je 35°.

Minimum continuous operating time onone charge 30 minutes with a load of 85 kg.

Due to chassis solution is needed the smallest handling space incomparison with the competition.

Maximal mass transported person 150 kg.

• Mability to block operation with the STOP buttonin case of danger.

• Securing the electrical circuits of the stair climber when both operation buttons are pressed simultaneously.

Ability of beltless movement on straight segments.

• The most dimensions are 960 x 310 x 175 mm .

Please contact us for the price of the CLIMBER 1 stair climber, the possibility of a state subsidy and the order process. We will introduce you to financing options and the course of the entire contract.

Please contact us for the price of the CLIMBER 1 stair climber, the possibility of a state subsidy and the order process. We will introduce you to financing options and the course of the entire contract.